Travel Requests
Travel requests is an InvestGlass modules which restrict record visbility and help to measure travel efficiency. The first step is to set who will be the members of your organisation responsible to accept / reject travels.
Travel Request Approvers
In order to enable the grant or rejection of given travel requests, you must first create an approver or a list of approvers for travel requests.
Go to >>My Account >> Company >> Approvers. There, you can either edit an existing list of approvers to add it to the travel request approvers, or you can create new approver group. Don’t forget to tick - Travel Request to yes. Then click save. Only one group can be created by company to accept / reject those travels.
Activate Travel Requests Widget
In order to activate the travel requests widget, please follow My Account – Company – Portal / Apps. There, you can find the travel request widget under InvestGlass App. Click on the three dots button on the right of the widget and select edit.
A new modal widget will be visible on the Apps main page. At the bottom of the page, under Visible for Employees in Apps, you will be able to choose which teams or members are allowed to see the widget on their app page by selecting the relevant toggles.
Click save, which will refresh the page applying your new selection.
New travel request
When activated, click on the travel request button on your app page. This will open a new page for your travel request. The following fields can be completed:
- for who the request is, meaning the member asking for leave (per default the creator of the request)
- the purpose
- when do you leave
- when do you return
- visiting a client
- visiting a prospect
- the last cross-border test, which can be used, e.g., for the last Covid-19 test or banking test
- country to be visited
- members to be notified
- presence of an advisor
- invoice number
- objective of net new money
- objective revenue
- objective mandate
- submit Approval to, which select to which team you are submitting your request
Clicking on submit will send the answers directly to the designated leader who will approve or disapprove the request.
Invoice number
The invoice number allows you to connect an invoice to your travel request. This can be for past, present, or future expenses related to the business trip.
In order to connect an invoice:
- Create an invoice
- Remember the invoice number
- Fill in the travel request with the relevant invoice number
- To edit an approval list, click on the three dots at the right of the relevant approvers, select Edit, and choose yes for Including Travel Request Approval.
- To create an approval list, click on Actions and select New Approver. A new modal will open allowing you to choose your approver and enable travel request approval.
:::(Info) (Approvers)
When on My Account – Company – Approvers, the column "Authorize Travel Request" informs you on which list of approvers are allowed to accept and reject travel requests.
Travel requests answers
As a team leader or in charge of the travel requests, you can find the travel requests.
Go to >> My Account >> Company >>Travel Requests Answers. This page enables you to review the answers and to accept or reject the request. All data is recorded.
:::(Warning) (Travel Single View)
Bear in mind that when on travel, the single view is in place which limits your access to other clients. In order to override this, follow My Account – Company – Members and edit the relevant user (three dots on the right of his/her name). Into the travel request tab, you can generate, modify, and override the travel single view.
Access to records
When a travel request is granted, a single view is in place which limits your access to other clients. You can override and change this feature using two different options:
- Follow My Account – Company – Members and edit the relevant user (three dots on the right of his/her name). Into the single-member record permission, you can override the travel single view using the toggle.
- You can choose, instead of editing the member, to edit his/her visibility tags. This will have the same effect and are entirely customizable. With this feature, you can also decide who can constantly access which client.
Updated 4 days ago