
A sales pipeline provides a structured, visual path to move leads from initial interest to closure, ensuring no opportunities slip through the cracks. It helps you prioritise efforts and forecast revenue more accurately while spotlighting any bottlenecks to improve your sales process continuously.

  1. Pipeline Header Settings

    • Name, Resource visibility, Currency: These fields let you name your pipeline, decide who can see it, and choose which currency to work in.
    • Notify owner on stage update: Toggling this automatically alerts the deal or lead owner whenever a stage changes.
    • Change pipeline stage if deleted (Drop/Ignore): Determines what happens if a stage is removed—whether deals in that stage get dropped or if the system simply ignores it.
    • Trigger contact report: If enabled for “All,” contact reports can be triggered each time a deal moves through a stage, so you can keep a record of interactions.
    • Update stage after generate contact report: If “Yes,” the stage is automatically updated when a contact report is generated.
    • Generate contact report summary automatically: Allows the system to auto‑create a summary of contact reports at each stage (instead of manually creating them).
    • Lock stage after contact report: Prevents further stage changes once you’ve generated a contact report.
    • Allow stage change to specific member: Restricts who can move the deal to the next stage, often useful for compliance or manager approval.
    • Active Monitoring: Toggles real‑time monitoring or alerts on the pipeline, so you can keep track of any changes instantly.
  2. Stages Section
    Each row in “Stages” corresponds to a step in your process—e.g., Prospecting, Qualified, Negotiation, Won, Lost. Here’s how you configure each stage:

    • Stage Name & Description: Label the step and add an internal note.
    • Status (Open, Won, Lost): Classifies the stage as an active step (Open), a completed successful deal (Won), or a closed unsuccessful deal (Lost).
    • Probability: You can assign a probability (in %) of winning at that stage.
    • Number of days & Weekdays: Set expected durations or deadlines for each stage—helpful for SLAs or internal KPIs.
    • Groups, Roles, Sub Groups, Members: Restrict or delegate which user groups, roles, or specific members can see or act on that stage. You mind find easier to use this process than a formal approval process.
    • Reasons & “Add Reason”: You can define reasons (e.g., “Budget issues,” “Competition,” etc.) or sub‑stages under each main stage. You can specify how many days a reason can stay open before requiring another action.
  3. Add Active Monitoring

    • Let you configure automated monitoring rules specific to that stage—e.g., sending alerts if a deal has been in a stage too long.
  4. Add stage

    • Use this button to create additional steps in your pipeline for as many phases as your sales or project process requires.

You can connect this pipeline to InvestGlass automation to create powerful automation.