
1. Select the Object

  • Object: Choose which type of record this task should be associated with (e.g., Contact, Lead, Opportunity).
  • Record Name: Once you pick an object type, select the specific record (such as a specific contact or deal) that the task will reference.

This links your task to the relevant client or deal so you can easily track progress within that context.

2. Enter Task Details

  • Title: Give the task a clear, concise name (e.g., “Call Reto Muller” or “Prepare Onboarding Documents”).
  • Due Date & Due Time: Define when the task must be completed. This helps you and your team prioritise tasks in chronological order.
  • Description: Add more detail about what needs to be done—e.g., instructions, relevant background info, or key next steps.

3. Status & Priority

  • Task Status: Typically defaults to “Pending.” Update it to “In Progress,” “Completed,” etc., as you work on the task.
  • Priority: Label the task as High, Medium, or Low (or the equivalent custom priorities your organisation uses).

These fields help you organise tasks and quickly see what’s urgent vs. what can wait.

4. Pipeline & Stage (Optional)

  • Task Pipeline: If your organisation uses a specific pipeline for tasks, select it here (e.g., “Service Requests” or “Compliance Checks”).
  • Task Stage: Within the chosen pipeline, pick the relevant stage (e.g., “Initiated,” “Under Review,” “Completed”).

This is especially helpful if you have a multi‑step process for tasks and need to see which stage each task is in.

5. Reminders & Calendar

  • Reminder Date & Reminder Time: Specify when you’d like an automatic reminder about this task. InvestGlass can alert you at the chosen date/time so you don’t forget.
  • Save to My Calendar: Toggle this on to sync the task with your personal or corporate calendar. This is great for scheduling calls, meetings, or deadlines directly into your daily calendar view.

6. Flag for Me

  • Flag for Me: Turning this on marks the task as personally important, making it stand out in your task list. You might use this for items requiring immediate attention or special follow‑up.

7. Assign the Task

  • Assigned to: Select which user (or group) should handle this task. You can also assign tasks to a Queue if you want a shared pool where any member can claim it.

8. Save the Task

  • Click Save once you’ve filled out the necessary fields. The task will then appear in your main Task list, under the specified pipeline or stage (if used), and any assigned users will be notified as configured.

Managing Tasks After Creation

  1. Update the Status: As you work through the task, update its status (e.g., “In Progress,” “Completed”) to keep your team informed.
  2. Use Reminders: You’ll receive alerts based on the reminder date/time you set, preventing tasks from slipping through the cracks.
  3. Filter & Sort: In your Tasks view, filter by status, priority, or assigned user to focus on the most critical tasks at any given time.
  4. Integration with Pipelines: If you linked the task to a pipeline, you can see progress in that pipeline’s overall view, ensuring everything stays on track.