InvestGlass glossary
Check out some the terms we use when we talk about InvestGlass.
A record in InvestGlass contains information about a specific item or entity. Examples of records include a particular person or a specific company.
Records are created automatically when you sync your email, or you and your team can manually add them. You can view all records by navigating to dedicated pages, such as Companies or People, under Records in your sidebar.
Think of a record as a single row in a spreadsheet.
Custom fields
Custom fields store data or details about your records. InvestGlass has built-in attributes that are automatically enriched, and you can also create custom attributes to track specific data points. Examples include Email, Location, Description, and LinkedIn.
Think of an attribute as a column in a spreadsheet.
A detailed section of a record page might show insights like domain, location, estimated ARR, company size, and more. InvestGlass automatically adds this data.
Objects are structures that hold a specific record type, such as a category. Along with records, objects also include attributes and their values. You can think of an object as a table in a spreadsheet.
For example, Companies and People in InvestGlass are both objects. The Company object might contain records like Google and attributes like domain, city, and estimated ARR, with corresponding values such as, Rue du Rhone View, and CHF10B+.
Standard Objects: Pre-built and include attributes such as People, Companies, Deals, Users, and Workspaces.
Custom Objects: User-created to fit unique data requirements not covered by standard objects.
[Learn more about objects]
Multiple record page
All Records Pages display every record in your workspace for a specific object. These can be found in the sidebar under Records. For example, the Companies page will show all company records, including those not associated with any specific list.
Single Record Page
A Single Record Page in InvestGlass displays detailed information about one specific record, whether a person, company, or other object.This page provides a comprehensive view of all the attributes and data associated with that record. For example:
A Company Record Page might show details like the company’s name, domain, location, estimated ARR, and key contacts. A Person Record Page could include attributes like their email, job title, LinkedIn profile, and recent interactions.
Views allow you to customise how records and attributes are displayed. Each view can have unique filters and sorting options.
A dropdown menu in InvestGlass offers options such as Table View, Kanban View, and Dashboard View.
Table View
In a Table View, records and attributes are displayed in a spreadsheet-style table with rows (records) and columns (attributes).
Members have access to your workspace, allowing them to view and manage records, lists, and workflows based on their permissions.
Updated about 2 hours ago