JUMP TOGetting StartedMy RequestsIntroductionIntroductionMaking RequestsResponsesErrorsPaginationInvestGlass Client Portal APIsAuthentication Client PortalAuthenticatepostAcceptance term of servicepostChange passwordpostGet informationgetSend OTPpostVerify OTPpostDocumentsFetch documentsgetUpload documentpostProposalsFetch proposalsgetFetch proposal typesgetFetch proposal statesgetUpdate proposal statesputFetch a proposalgetSecuritiesFetch securitiesgetMarketsFetch asset classesgetFetch industriesgetFetch currenciesgetFetch marketsgetPortfoliosFetch portfoliosgetPositionsFetch PositionsgetTransactionsFetch TransactionsgetFetch Transactions typegetAccountsFetch accountsgetNewsGet RSS newsgetReact on securitygetList of reactionsgetNotificationsList notificationsgetRead a notificaitonputInvestGlass Member APIsAuthentication MemberAuthenticatepostCompany ContactsFetch contacts from a companygetAdds a contact to a companypostFetch documents client from a companygetDownload document client from a companypostUpdate a contact to a companyputDelete a contact to a companydeleteCompany AccountsFetch accounts from a companygetAdds a account to a companypostFetch the account's documents from a companygetDownload the account's document from a companypostUpdate a account to a companyputDelete a account to a companydeleteCompany RelationsFetch relations from a companygetAdds a relation to a companypostFetch documents relation from a companygetDownload relation's document from a companypostUpdate a relation to a companyputDelete a relation to a companydeleteEventsAdd calendar eventpostUpdate calendar eventputDelete calendar eventdeleteGet dropdown formgetCustom SecuritiesFetch securities / products for a companygetAdd securities / products for a companypostCustom SecurityFetch particular securities / products for a companygetSecurity Daily PriceFetch particular securities / products daily prices for a companygetCall ReportsFetch contact reports for a companygetAdd contact report for a companypostFetch particular contact report for a companygetUpdate particular contact report for a companyputContactsFetch particular clientgetGET contact details of a client CopygetClient Activity SummaryFetch particular client activity summarygetEmployeesFetch members from a companygetAdd member for a companypostUpdate a member to a companyputFetch member from a companygetDelete members from a companydeleteCompany PortfoliosFetch portfoliosgetGet a list of positions for a portfoliogetAdd a new position to a portfoliopostUpdate a position for a portfolioputDelete a position for a portfoliodeleteCompany Model PortfoliosFetch model portfoliosgetDocumentsFetch documents from a companygetUpload a document for a companypostGet the document detail from a companygetDelete a document to a companydeleteDownload the document from a companypostTransactionsFetch transactions from a companygetAdd transactions for a companypostFetch Transaction TypesgetUpdate transactions for a companyputDelete transactions for a companydeleteTasksGet a taskgetUpdate a taskputCreate a taskpostFetch tasks listgetDestroy a taskdeleteDropdown listgetMark completed/pending for a taskgetFetch proposalsget https://app.investglass.com/client_portal_api/proposalsFetch proposals from the company