Get information

The endpoint retrieves the user's information from the client portal. The response returns a JSON object containing the user's details, client information, and advisor details. Below is the JSON schema for the response:

  "user": {
    "id": "number",
    "country_id": "string or null",
    "website": "string or null",
    "member_id": "string or null",
    "member_type": "string or null",
    "last_login_at": "string or null",
    "created_at": "string",
    "updated_at": "string",
    "reference_currency_id": "number",
    "username": "string",
    "tos_accepted": "boolean",
    "email": "string",
    "remember_created_at": "string or null",
    "role": "string",
    "relationship_manager_id": "string or null",
    "phone_home": "string or null",
    "phone_office": "string or null",
    "fax": "string or null",
    "address_1_street": "string or null",
    "address_1_zipcode": "string or null",
    "address_1_country_id": "string or null",
    "address_2_street": "string or null",
    "address_2_zipcode": "string or null",
    "address_2_country_id": "string or null",
    "address_office_street": "string or null",
    "address_office_zipcode": "string or null",
    "address_office_country_id": "string or null",
    "professional_group_id": "string or null",
    "avatar_uid": "string or null",
    "company_name": "string or null",
    "years_of_service": "string or null",
    "education": "string or null",
    "insider_in_companies": "string or null",
    "title": "string or null",
    "first_name": "string or null",
    "last_name": "string or null",
    "phone_mobile": "string or null",
    "investglass_id": "string",
    "is_professional": "boolean",
    "licensed_items_ids": "array",
    "allowed_funds": "number",
    "funds_global_coverage": "string or null",
    "time_zone": "string",
    "time_format": "string",
    "date_format": "string",
    "marketing_accepted": "boolean",
    "marketing_accepted_at": "string or null",
    "tos_accepted_at": "string or null",
    "landing_page": "number",
    "executable_code": "string or null",
    "calendly_profile": "string or null",
    "col_state": "array",
    "sort_state": "array",
    "daynamic_col": "array",
    "filter_state": "object",
    "personalized_description": "string or null",
    "availability_id": "string or null",
    "book_meeting": "boolean",
    "otp_verification_at": "string or null",
    "otp_browser": "string or null",
    "failed_attempts": "number",
    "unlock_token": "string or null",
    "locked_at": "string or null",
    "password_changed_at": "string",
    "creator_id": "number",
    "last_modifier_id": "number",
    "skype_id": "string or null",
    "location": "string or null",
    "date_of_birth": "string or null",
    "date_of_work_anniversary": "string or null",
    "portfolio_monitoring_col_state": "string",
    "portfolio_monitoring_sort_state": "string",
    "portfolio_monitoring_dynamic_col": "string",
    "portfolio_monitoring_filter_state": "string",
    "otp_required_for_login": "string or null",
    "otp_backup_codes": "string or null",
    "avatar": "string",
    "client": {
      "id": "number",
      "user_id": "number",
      "company_id": "number",
      "relationship_manager_id": "number",
      "created_at": "string",
      "updated_at": "string",
      "deleted_at": "string or null",
      "not_solicited": "boolean",
      "pseudonym": "string",
      "external_id": "string or null",
      "portfolio_manager_id": "string or null",
      "relationship_manager_assistant_id": "string or null",
      "research_budget": "string or null",
      "hot_since": "string or null",
      "last_contacted": "string",
      "to_do": "string or null",
      "mandatory_kyc_fields_present": "boolean",
      "portfolio_snapshot_frequency": "string or null",
      "username_only": "boolean",
      "compliance_status": "number",
      "compliance_notes": "string or null",
      "compliance_log": "string",
      "external_id_check_status": "object",
      "pipelines": "object",
      "shared_folder_ids": "array",
      "creator_id": "number",
      "last_modifier_id": "number",
      "pipelines_forecasted_values": "object",
      "resource_pipelines": [
          "days": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "stage": "string",
          "status": "string",
          "updated_at": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "probability": "string",
          "forecasted_value": "string or null",
          "last_modifier_id": "number",
          "only_business_days": "string or null",
          "trigger_contact_report": "string or null"
      "relationship_manager2_id": "number",
      "audience_email": "boolean",
      "sumsub_applicant_id": "string or null",
      "sumsub_inspection_id": "string or null",
      "sumsub_external_user_id": "string or null",
      "audit_trail_audiences": ["string"],
      "client_status": "number",
      "freeze_rationale": "object",
      "resource_pipelines_locked": "array",
      "contact_has_permission_access": "boolean",
      "signature_recipients": "object",
      "signature_recipients_signing_order": "boolean",
      "tag_list": "array",
      "visibility_tag_list": "array"
    "advisor": {
      "id": "number",
      "name": "string",
      "phone_mobile": "string",
      "phone_home": "string",
      "phone_office": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "avatar": "string",
      "public_agenda": "string or null"
  "verification": "null"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!