Embed Youtube and Vimeo Videos
Go to my Account Go to Company Go to Apps / Portal Click Action Select Iframe Widget Vimeo In the IFRAME Widget make sure you paste the following address with the player vimeo reference. https://player.vimeo.com/video/ is the Vimeo reference. If you wish to hide this video from Vimeo. Go to the video setup Go to General Go to Privacy and select Hide from Vimeo Youtube For Youtube make sure you have the reference as follow: *https://www.yoFew readersGet started with Client Portal
The client portal is launched by the InvestGlass team. Please contact us at contact @investglass.com if you wish to activate your portal. Setup access You will receive a URI - or short address where your clients will access your portal. For example: app.investglass.com/login/yourcompanyname It is possible to change this address to make it look more corporate with a reverse proxy method. The address will look like this : portal.youcompanyname.com/login/youcompanyname Grant accessFew readersShare documents
You have two ways of sending a document to your client via the InvestGlass client portal. You can share the document simply in the document tab, or share it via a widget. Upload a document In order to share a document, you first need to upload it. To upload a document, please follow My Account – Company – CRM Documents. There, click on the Actions button on the top right and select Upload Document. A new window will open allowing you to select one, or many, document(s) to upload. ShareFew readersReset Client portal access and password
Resetting client passwords in InvestGlass can be done in different ways depending on what type of portal access is granted. There are two types of portal access: with email or with username only. The type of access granted to the portal can be changed at any time if you want to change the way that the client can reset its password. Portal access with email: When a client is granted portal access with his email address then the client itself is in charge of the process of resetting its passwFew readersPortal Customisation
Permission: Administrator Portal customization is a large topic - we suggest you do it step by step : Customizing Look and Feel Customizing Widgets Customizing Transactions tools Customize Look and Feel Go to my Account Go to Company Go to Settings You can upload the following images Image Favicon Logo Background Image Spinning Logo Email Logo And set up the following website footers and email footers Disclaimer Company Global Email Disclaimer FoFew readers