Articles on: Client & Employee Portal

Share documents

You have two ways of sending a document to your client via the InvestGlass client portal. You can share the document simply in the document tab, or share it via a widget.

Upload a document

In order to share a document, you first need to upload it. To upload a document, please follow My Account – Company – CRM Documents. There, click on the Actions button on the top right and select Upload Document. A new window will open allowing you to select one, or many, document(s) to upload.

Share via document tab

In order to share a document, please follow My Account – Company – CRM Documents. There, click on the right dots to the right of the document you want to share and select Share.
A new window will open, which will enable you to enter under Share with Contact the relevant contacts name with whom you want to share the document. Click on save and the document is shared.

Do not forget to share the document tab with your client to enable him/her seeing the actual documents. In order to modify the client portal view, please follow My Account – Company – Portal / Apps – Navigation Menu.¨

Share via widgets

In order to share a document via a widget, preliminary steps are necessary:

Under My Account – Company – Tags, you need to create the relevant tags which are going to define your document but also a specific tag for the clients you want to share the document with. For example, create the tag "Spotlight" for the client/widget connection. For the document, you could set a tag "Deal Alpha". You can also set a second tag for a language if different versions of the document exist: "English".

Setup the client tag on the relevant clients. In order to do this, follow My Account – Company – Contacts. There choose the relevant contact you want to set the tag on, or select the contacts you want to share the document with and click on Actions – Bulk Edit. A new window will open enabling setting the tag. In our example, the tag "Spotlight" will be added to the contacts tags.

Create the relevant widget. To do this, please follow My Account – Company – Portal / Apps. There, under InvestGlass App, you will find a widget called "CRM Documents". Click on the three dots to the right of the widget and select clone.

Clone: This step is important as it allows you to create a second, third, etc. CRM document widget in the future.

Edit the widget by clicking on the three dots button on the right of the cloned CRM Documents widget and selecting Edit. This will open a new window allowing you to modify the widget. You can then customize the widget and name it differently. Under Document Tags, select the tags you chose for your document. In our example, "Deal Alpha" and "English". Under Visible for Client Portal in App, select the relevant clients' tag. In our case, "Spotlight". Click on save.

Finally, share the document. Please follow My Account – Company – CRM Documents. There, click on the three dots on the right of your document and select Edit. Under Tags, select the document tag. In our case, "English" and "Deal Alpha". Click on save.

Document tags: You can also do this step when uploading the document and selecting the relevant tags directly when uploading

Your widget and documents are now available on the relevant client portals.

Updated on: 11/07/2022