Articles on: Client & Employee Portal

Reset Client portal access and password

Resetting client passwords in InvestGlass can be done in different ways depending on what type of portal access is granted. There are two types of portal access: with email or with username only.

The type of access granted to the portal can be changed at any time if you want to change the way that the client can reset its password.

Portal access with email:

When a client is granted portal access with his email address then the client itself is in charge of the process of resetting its password just as you would with any other modern-day webpage. You simply go to the login page and click the button for 'forgot password' and then follow the instructions.

If a client is also using InvestGlass with another InvestGlass company, then the password will be the same as it is using the same email address.

Portal access without email, username only

When a client is granted portal access without its authentic email to ensure an extra layer of protection, the client can no longer control the reset password process as above. Instead, the client’s relationship manager will receive 2 emails with the login and the randomised password. The relationship manager wil then be in charge of sending the information to his client.

This process is useful if you wish to keep emails emails outside InvestGlass and wish to send them from your Outlook or WhatsApp account directly.

This is to ensure fault-proof use of the function, so that when a client requests a password reset it is handled with high-security standard and that it is done with compliance in mind. The client can now be notified in person by its manager with the new temporary password. The client is advised to change the password immediately

Updated on: 30/07/2022