Articles on: Webforms and surveys

Score and rating

Simple Score

To calculate a score with forms, select the option Display Score and set it to yes.

Click SAVE and reopen the form. In this form, you will now have the possibility to add a score per answer. This system works solely for dropdown and checkbox types of answers.

Then you can set a score and an operator. We have 4 operators Add, Remove, Multiply, and Divide.

The score will be calculated when the form is submitted. The results will also be audited in a CSV version which can be uploaded from the FORM control page or into the record page.

Value Set Score

When you are using a large dataset for country risk for example we suggest you use the value set and associate a value to each country.

Access Scores

In order to access the scores, go to the relevant contact. There select the Score tab. The forms showcased there are the specific scoring forms. The score of your client on each of these forms is displayed in the Total Score column.

It is also possible to incorporate the scores into the detail page using an automation.

Updated on: 12/07/2022