Articles on: PMS & Investment Tools

Securities - Actions

For each security, there are different actions you can access by clicking on the three dots.

Synchronized Portfolio

When you have a synchronized portfolio, you have two actions for each security:


The swap suggests you similar securities to the one you have selected. If you are interested in a security that appears in the Suggested Swaps, then you can swap your current security for the one you selected in the Suggested Swaps.

Click on Swap
Select a proposed security
Click on Reset

Edit Security / Products

You can edit the information related to the securities in your portfolio.

Click on Edit Security / Products
Fill the following fields:
- Name of the security
- Last Price
- Last Price Datetime
- Asset Class
- Pricing Factor
- Industry
- Ticker
- Market Place
- Market ISO MIC
- In-House Identifier

If you wish to add more information about the security - for instance the rating, you have to create a new Security custom field:

Click on My Account, then on Company
Click on Custom Fields
Click on Actions, then on New Securities / Products Category
Write Rating in Filed Name / API

Then, you will be able to find the created field when you click on Edit Security / Product.

Simulation Portfolio

When you have a simulation portfolio, you have six actions:


Clilck on Info
You can access all the information related to the security ie Last Price, Cost Price, ROI Quantity, ISIN, Earings per Share...

Transaction History

Click on Transaction History
The Transaction History shows alll the details of the transaction:
- The type of transaction
- The name of the security
- The ISNI
- The quantity
- The price
- The amount
- The Commission
- The Fees / Taxes
- The Trade Date

New Transaction

The New Transaction action allows you to make an other transaction on the security.

Click on New Transaction
Fill the following fields:
- Transaction Status - be it Executed, Pending, Failed, Canceled
- Type, be it Buy to Open- Buy to Close, Sell to Open, Sell to Close, Incoming Transfer, Outgoing Transfer
- Enter a Trading Date
- Enter an Accounting and a Value Date
- Add Notes
- Add the Quantity
- Add the Open Price
-Choose if you want to deduct the transaction from Cash - if it is the case, click on the Toggle
- Create customizable alerts to be sent by email if the price rises above or falls below a certain price
- Add a Fee / Tax if needed
Click on Save

Copy to Security / Product

You can copy the selected security to Security / Product

Updated on: 11/07/2022