Add a portfolio / Link a portfolio
Portfolios gather information from securities or any other type of item. Those items can be equities, bonds, collectibles, real estate, private equity, or even a bottle of wine.
From a contact
A portfolio should be related to a contact or an account. Therefore create a contact or an account first.
Click on Action
Create a new portfolio and make sure you select the right currency.
From the model portfolio
Go to my account
Go to company
Go to model portfolio
Click on action
Click on generate portfolio from model
Enter portfolio detail information
Click on Generate
Link a portfolio to a relation
Portfolios are linked to a Contact and Relations gather Contacts. This means that if you wish to link a portfolio to a relation, you need to first create a contact, then create a relation, and link them together. To share a portfolio.
Create a portfolio
Click on Actions
Edit Portfolio
In Settings, select share with relations
From a contact
A portfolio should be related to a contact or an account. Therefore create a contact or an account first.
Click on Action
Create a new portfolio and make sure you select the right currency.
From the model portfolio
Go to my account
Go to company
Go to model portfolio
Click on action
Click on generate portfolio from model
Enter portfolio detail information
Click on Generate
Link a portfolio to a relation
Portfolios are linked to a Contact and Relations gather Contacts. This means that if you wish to link a portfolio to a relation, you need to first create a contact, then create a relation, and link them together. To share a portfolio.
Create a portfolio
Click on Actions
Edit Portfolio
In Settings, select share with relations
Updated on: 30/07/2022