Articles on: PMS & Investment Tools


Global Consolidation

Global consolidation is used to merge portfolio ledger's into one view. This function can be found under My Account – Company – Global Consolidation.

The consolidation tool will look into positions and transactions. Based on the data collected by the InvestGlass portfolio management tool, the consolidation will aggregate similar securities together. You can use the filters option to select which portfolio data and reference currency you wish to consolidate portfolios.

As the feed quality can vary we suggest you contact InvestGlass team to make sure that you are following best practices.

PDF generation for one contact

Go to a contact page, select Consolidation tab and there you can select multiple portfolio and a reference currency. Then click on Action to consolidate results into one PDF or Excel format.

A new window will open allowing you to add a description, select whether you want to show the portfolio's repartition, the transactions history, and performance, and choose between pie or bar charts. Finally, you also have the option to add the performance history as well as an exposure template.

Design and setting

InvestGlass offers the possibility the customize multiple settings of pdf generation. In order to personalize, follow my Account – Company – Settings.

There you are able to modify the colors of Titles, Background of table headers, and Background of table subheaders. You also have the possibility to implement your logo (which will appear in pdf) and a disclaimer. Specific pdf settings are also available such as choosing the font, the label style (bold or light), and exclude colons.

Updated on: 30/07/2022